Source code for sorts.frames

#!/usr/bin/env python

'''Coordinate frame transformations and related functions. Main usage is the :code:`convert` function that wraps Astropy frame transformations.


#Python standard import

#Third party import
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
import pyorb
import pyant
import astropy.coordinates as coord
import astropy.units as units

from astropy.coordinates import TEME, ITRS, ICRS, GCRS
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation, AltAz, SkyCoord
from astropy.time import Time

from pyant.coordinates import cart_to_sph, sph_to_cart, vector_angle
from pyant.coordinates import rot_mat_x, rot_mat_y, rot_mat_z

#Local import
from . import dates
from . import constants

[docs]def arctime_to_degrees(minutes, seconds): return (minutes + seconds/60.0)/60.0
[docs]def convert(t, states, in_frame, out_frame, logger=None, profiler=None, **kwargs): '''Perform predefined coordinate transformations using Astropy. Always returns a copy of the array. :param numpy.ndarray/float t: Absolute time corresponding to the input states. :param numpy.ndarray states: Size `(6,n)` matrix of states in SI units where rows 1-3 are position and 4-6 are velocity. :param str in_frame: Name of the frame the input states are currently in. :param str out_frame: Name of the state to transform to. :param Profiler profiler: Profiler instance for checking function performance. :param logging.Logger logger: Logger instance for logging the execution of the function. :rtype: numpy.ndarray :return: Size `(6,n)` matrix of states in SI units where rows 1-3 are position and 4-6 are velocity. ''' if logger is not None:'frames:convert: in_frame={in_frame}, out_frame={out_frame}') if profiler is not None: profiler.start(f'frames:convert:{in_frame}->{out_frame}') in_frame = in_frame.upper() out_frame = out_frame.upper() if in_frame == out_frame: return states.copy() if in_frame == 'TEME': astropy_states = _convert_to_astropy(states, TEME, obstime=t) elif in_frame in ['ITRS', 'ITRF']: #Reference System VS Reference Frame astropy_states = _convert_to_astropy(states, ITRS, obstime=t) elif in_frame in ['ICRS', 'ICRF']: astropy_states = _convert_to_astropy(states, ICRS) elif in_frame in ['GCRS', 'GCRF']: astropy_states = _convert_to_astropy(states, GCRS, obstime=t) else: raise ValueError(f'In frame "{in_frame}" not recognized, please perform manual transformation') if out_frame in ['ITRS', 'ITRF']: out_states = astropy_states.transform_to(ITRS(obstime=t)) elif out_frame == 'TEME': out_states = astropy_states.transform_to(TEME(obstime=t)) elif out_frame in ['ICRS', 'ICRF']: out_states = astropy_states.transform_to(ICRS()) elif out_frame in ['GCRS', 'GCRF']: out_states = astropy_states.transform_to(GCRS(obstime=t)) else: raise ValueError(f'Out frame "{out_frame}" not recognized, please perform manual transformation') rets = states.copy() rets[:3,...] = rets[3:,...] = / units.s).value if logger is not None:'frames:convert:completed') if profiler is not None: profiler.stop(f'frames:convert:{in_frame}->{out_frame}') return rets
[docs]def geodetic_to_ITRS(lat, lon, alt, radians=False, ellipsoid=None): '''Use `astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation` to transform from geodetic to ITRS. ''' if not radians: lat, lon = np.radians(lat), np.radians(lon) cord = EarthLocation.from_geodetic( lon=lon*units.rad, lat=lat*units.rad, height=alt*units.m, ellipsoid=ellipsoid, ) x,y,z = cord.to_geocentric() pos = np.empty((3,), dtype=np.float64) pos[0] = pos[1] = pos[2] = return pos
[docs]def ITRS_to_geodetic(x, y, z, radians=False, ellipsoid=None): '''Use `astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation` to transform from geodetic to ITRS. :param float x: X-coordinate in ITRS :param float y: Y-coordinate in ITRS :param float z: Z-coordinate in ITRS :param bool radians: If :code:`True` then all values are given in radians instead of degrees. :param str/None ellipsoid: Name of the ellipsoid model used for geodetic coordinates, for default value see Astropy `EarthLocation`. :rtype: numpy.ndarray :return: (3,) array of longitude, latitude and height above ellipsoid ''' cord = EarthLocation.from_geocentric( x=x*units.m, y=y*units.m, z=z*units.m, ) lon, lat, height = cord.to_geodetic(ellipsoid=ellipsoid) llh = np.empty((3,), dtype=np.float64) if radians: u_ = units.rad else: u_ = units.deg llh[0] = llh[1] = llh[2] = return llh
def _convert_to_astropy(states, frame, **kw): state_p = coord.CartesianRepresentation(states[:3,...]*units.m) state_v = coord.CartesianDifferential(states[3:,...]*units.m/units.s) astropy_states = frame(state_p.with_differentials(state_v), **kw) return astropy_states
[docs]def enu_to_ecef(lat, lon, alt, enu, radians=False): '''ENU (east/north/up) to ECEF coordinate system conversion, not including translation. :param float lat: Latitude on the ellipsoid :param float lon: Longitude on the ellipsoid :param float alt: Altitude above ellipsoid, **Unused in this implementation**. :param numpy.ndarray enu: (3,n) input matrix of positions in the ENU-convention. :param bool radians: If :code:`True` then all values are given in radians instead of degrees. :rtype: numpy.ndarray :return: (3,n) array x,y and z coordinates in ECEF. ''' if not radians: lat, lon = np.radians(lat), np.radians(lon) mx = np.array([[-np.sin(lon), -np.sin(lat) * np.cos(lon), np.cos(lat) * np.cos(lon)], [np.cos(lon), -np.sin(lat) * np.sin(lon), np.cos(lat) * np.sin(lon)], [0, np.cos(lat), np.sin(lat)]]) ecef =,enu) return ecef
[docs]def ned_to_ecef(lat, lon, alt, ned, radians=False): '''NED (north/east/down) to ECEF coordinate system conversion, not including translation. :param float lat: Latitude on the ellipsoid :param float lon: Longitude on the ellipsoid :param float alt: Altitude above ellipsoid, **Unused in this implementation**. :param numpy.ndarray ned: (3,n) input matrix of positions in the NED-convention. :param bool radians: If :code:`True` then all values are given in radians instead of degrees. :rtype: numpy.ndarray :return: (3,n) array x,y and z coordinates in ECEF. ''' enu = np.empty(ned.size, dtype=ned.dtype) enu[0,...] = ned[1,...] enu[1,...] = ned[0,...] enu[2,...] = -ned[2,...] return enu_to_ecef(lat, lon, alt, enu, radians=radians)
[docs]def ecef_to_enu(lat, lon, alt, ecef, radians=False): '''ECEF coordinate system to local ENU (east,north,up), not including translation. :param float lat: Latitude on the ellipsoid :param float lon: Longitude on the ellipsoid :param float alt: Altitude above ellipsoid, **Unused in this implementation**. :param numpy.ndarray ecef: (3,n) array x,y and z coordinates in ECEF. :param bool radians: If :code:`True` then all values are given in radians instead of degrees. :rtype: numpy.ndarray :return: (3,n) array x,y and z in local coordinates in the ENU-convention. ''' if not radians: lat, lon = np.radians(lat), np.radians(lon) mx = np.array([[-np.sin(lon), -np.sin(lat) * np.cos(lon), np.cos(lat) * np.cos(lon)], [np.cos(lon), -np.sin(lat) * np.sin(lon), np.cos(lat) * np.sin(lon)], [0, np.cos(lat), np.sin(lat)]]) enu =,ecef) return enu
[docs]def azel_to_ecef(lat, lon, alt, az, el, radians=False): '''Radar pointing (az,el) to unit vector in ECEF, not including translation. TODO: Docstring ''' shape = (3,) if isinstance(az,np.ndarray): if len(az.shape) == 0: az = float(az) elif len(az) > 1: shape = (3,len(az)) az = az.flatten() else: az = az[0] if isinstance(el,np.ndarray): if len(el.shape) == 0: el = float(el) elif len(el) > 1: shape = (3,len(el)) el = el.flatten() else: el = el[0] sph = np.empty(shape, dtype=np.float64) sph[0,...] = az sph[1,...] = el sph[2,...] = 1.0 enu = sph_to_cart(sph, radians=radians) return enu_to_ecef(lat, lon, alt, enu, radians=radians)