Source code for sorts.interpolation

#!/usr/bin/env python

'''Interpolation functions.


from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np

[docs]class Interpolator(ABC): '''Base Interpolation class that mimics the behavior of :code:`SpaceObject` so that a `Interpolator` instance can be used instead. To create a Interpolator one must define the :code:`get_state` method. to return interpolated This method should return states based on the data contained in the instance. This data is preferably internalized at instantiation. :param numpy.ndarray states: (6,n) array of states to interpolate between. :param numpy.ndarray t: (n,) vector of times corresponding to the states. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, states, t): self.states = states self.t = t
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_state(self, t, **kwargs): pass
[docs]class Legendre8(Interpolator): '''Order-8 Legendre polynomial interpolation of uniformly distributed states. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, states, t): if len(t) < 9: raise ValueError(f'Cannot performance 8-degree interpolation with {len(t)} points') super().__init__(states, t)
[docs] def get_state(self, t): intep_states = legendre8(self.states.T, self.t.min(), self.t.max(), t, ti=None) return intep_states.T
[docs]def legendre8(table, t1, tN, t, ti=None): """Order-8 Legendre polynomial interpolation Code adapted from the `gdar` system developed by NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, used with permission. Parameters: table: M vectors (M >= 9) to interpolate between, each containing N values, e.g. for a position vector N=3 (x, y, z) table.shape = (M, N) t1: time corresponding to M=0 tN: time corresponding to M=N-1 t: times at which to provide N-dimensional answer. ti: indices which sort t in monotonic order This version requires t to be sorted, which enables optimization by interpolating all t in an interval between two nodes as a single expression. For the typical case where there are many fewer intervals to consider than distinct values to interpolate, this gives much improved performance.""" M, N = table.shape t = np.atleast_1d(t) tdiff = t[1:]-t[:-1] tzero = 0*tdiff if ti is None: if np.any(tdiff < tzero) and np.any(tdiff > tzero): # Input must be monotonically increasing or decreasing # raise RuntimeError("Input t must be sorted") # print("Sorting inputs ...") ti = np.argsort(t) # print("done") if ti is not None: t = t[ti] rval = np.zeros((len(t), N)) den = np.array([40320., -5040., 1440., -720., 576., -720., 1440., -5040., 40320.]) trel = (t-t1)/(tN-t1)*(M-1) tind = np.clip(np.round(trel-4), 0, M-9).astype(int) u, ix = np.unique(tind, return_index=True) counts = np.r_[ix[1:], len(tind)] - ix err_save = np.seterr(invalid='ignore') for val, ix0, count in zip(u, ix, counts): six = slice(ix0, ix0+count) xx = (trel[six]-val)[np.newaxis, :] - np.arange(9)[:, np.newaxis] # {9, count} num =, 0) # {count} rval[six] =[np.newaxis, :]/den[:, np.newaxis]/xx).T, table[val:val+9]) zz = np.where(num == 0)[0] if len(zz): rval[six][zz] = table[np.round(trel[six][zz]-val).astype(int) + val] np.seterr(**err_save) if ti is not None: # Restore input order rval, tmp = np.zeros_like(rval), rval rval[ti] = tmp return rval
[docs]def legendre8_loop(table, t1, tN, t): """Order-8 Legendre polynomial interpolation Code adapted from the `gdar` system developed by NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, used with permission. Parameters: table: M vectors (M >= 9) to interpolate between, each containing N values, e.g. for a position vector N=3 (x, y, z) table.shape = (M, N) t1: time corresponding to M=0 tN: time corresponding to M=N-1 t: times at which to provide N-dimensional answer. This version loops over all interpolation instants t. Direct port of IDL, which was directly ported from Fortran.""" # Return value: shape (P, N) M, N = table.shape t = np.atleast_1d(t) P = len(t) rval = np.zeros((P, N)) # denominators are -1^n*n!*(8-n)! for n in [0, ..., 8] # ( den = np.array([40320., -5040., 1440., -720., 576., -720., 1440., -5040., 40320.]) for i in range(P): trel = (t[i]-t1)/(tN-t1)*(M-1) tind = np.clip(np.round(trel-4), 0, M-9).astype(int) x = trel-tind num = # x*(x-1)*(x-2)* ... * (x-8) if num == 0: rval[i] = table[tind + np.rint(x).astype(int)] else: rval[i] =[tind:tind+9].T, num/den/(x-np.arange(9))) return rval