

sorts.interpolation.legendre8(table, t1, tN, t, ti=None)[source]

Order-8 Legendre polynomial interpolation

Code adapted from the gdar system developed by NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, used with permission.

table: M vectors (M >= 9) to interpolate between, each containing N

values, e.g. for a position vector N=3 (x, y, z) table.shape = (M, N)

t1: time corresponding to M=0 tN: time corresponding to M=N-1 t: times at which to provide N-dimensional answer. ti: indices which sort t in monotonic order

This version requires t to be sorted, which enables optimization by interpolating all t in an interval between two nodes as a single expression. For the typical case where there are many fewer intervals to consider than distinct values to interpolate, this gives much improved performance.