
rapper for the SGP4 propagator

Module summary



Propagator class implementing the SGP4 propagator.



class sorts.propagator.pysgp4.SGP4(settings=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: sorts.propagator.base.Propagator

Propagator class implementing the SGP4 propagator.

Frame options are found in the sorts.frames.convert function.

  • in_frame (str) – String identifying the input frame.

  • out_frame (str) – String identifying the output frame.

  • in_frame (str) – String identifying the input frame.

  • out_frame (str) – String identifying the output frame.

TEME_to_TLE(state, epoch, B=0.0, kepler=False, tol=1e-05, tol_v=1e-07)[source]

Convert osculating orbital elements in TEME to mean elements used in two line element sets (TLE’s).

  • kep (numpy.ndarray) – Osculating State (position and velocity) vector in m and m/s, TEME frame. If kepler = True then state is osculating orbital elements, in m and radians. Orbital elements are semi major axis (m), orbital eccentricity, orbital inclination (radians), right ascension of ascending node (radians), argument of perigee (radians), mean anomaly (radians)

  • kepler (bool) – Indicates if input state is kepler elements or cartesian.

  • epoch (astropy.time.Time) – Epoch of the orbit

  • tol (float) – Wanted precision in position of mean element conversion in m.

  • tol_v (float) – Wanted precision in velocity mean element conversion in m/s.


mean elements of: semi major axis (km), orbital eccentricity, orbital inclination (radians), right ascension of ascending node (radians), argument of perigee (radians), mean anomaly (radians)

Return type


TEME_to_TLE_OPTIM(state, epoch, B=0.0, kepler=False, tol=1e-08, tol_v=1e-09)[source]

Convert osculating orbital elements in TEME to mean elements used in two line element sets (TLE’s).

  • kep (numpy.ndarray) – Osculating State (position and velocity) vector in m and m/s, TEME frame. If kepler = True then state is osculating orbital elements, in m and radians. Orbital elements are semi major axis (m), orbital eccentricity, orbital inclination (radians), right ascension of ascending node (radians), argument of perigee (radians), mean anomaly (radians)

  • kepler (bool) – Indicates if input state is kepler elements or cartesian.

  • epoch0 (float) – Epoch in days since 1949 December 31 00:00 UT

  • tol (float) – Wanted precision in position of mean element conversion in m.

  • tol_v (float) – Wanted precision in velocity mean element conversion in m/s.


mean elements of: semi major axis (km), orbital eccentricity, orbital inclination (radians), right ascension of ascending node (radians), argument of perigee (radians), mean anomaly (radians)

Return type


convert_time(t, epoch)

Convert input time and epoch variables to astropy.TimeDelta and astropy.Time variables of the correct format and scale.

get_mean_elements(line1, line2, radians=False)[source]

Extract the mean elements in SI units (a [m], e [1], inc [deg], raan [deg], aop [deg], mu [deg]), B-parameter (not bstar) and epoch from a two line element pair.

heartbeat(t, state, **kwargs)

Function applied after propagation to time t and state state, before next time step as given in the input time vector to propagate.

propagate(t, state0, epoch=None, **kwargs)[source]

Propagate a state


All state-vector are given in SI units.

Keyword arguments contain only information needed for ballistic coefficient B used by SGP4. Either B or C_D, A and m must be supplied. They also contain a option to give angles in radians or degrees. By default input is assumed to be degrees.


The input frame is ECI (TEME) for orbital elements and Cartesian. The output frame is as standard ECEF (ITRF). But can be set to TEME.

  • t (float/list/numpy.ndarray/astropy.time.TimeDelta) – Time to propagate relative the initial state epoch.

  • epoch (float/astropy.time.Time) – The epoch of the initial state.

  • state0 (numpy.ndarray) – 6-D Cartesian state vector in SI-units.

  • B (float) – Ballistic coefficient

  • C_D (float) – Drag coefficient

  • A (float) – Cross-sectional Area

  • m (float) – Mass

  • radians (bool) – If true, all angles are assumed to be in radians.

  • SGP4_mean_elements (bool) – If True, the input is not cartesian state but SGP4 mean elements.


6-D Cartesian state vectors in SI-units.

propagate_mean_elements(jd0, jd_f, mean_elements, epoch0, B, **kwargs)[source]

Propagate sgp4 mean elements.

propagate_tle(t, line1, line2, **kwargs)[source]

Propagate a TLE pair