Source code for sorts.propagator.pysgp4

#!/usr/bin/env python

'''rapper for the SGP4 propagator


#Python standard import
from copy import copy

#Third party import
import numpy as np
from astropy.time import Time
import scipy.optimize
import pyorb

import sgp4
from sgp4.api import Satrec, SGP4_ERRORS
import sgp4.earth_gravity

#Local import
from .base import Propagator
from .. import dates
from .. import frames

[docs]class SGP4(Propagator): '''Propagator class implementing the SGP4 propagator. Frame options are found in the `sorts.frames.convert` function. :ivar str in_frame: String identifying the input frame. :ivar str out_frame: String identifying the output frame. :param str in_frame: String identifying the input frame. :param str out_frame: String identifying the output frame. ''' DEFAULT_SETTINGS = copy(Propagator.DEFAULT_SETTINGS) DEFAULT_SETTINGS.update( dict( out_frame = 'TEME', in_frame = 'TEME', gravity_model = 'WGS84', TEME_to_TLE_max_iter = 300, tle_input = False, ) )
[docs] def __init__(self, settings=None, **kwargs): super(SGP4, self).__init__(settings=settings, **kwargs) if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug(f'sorts.propagator.SGP4:init') self.sgp4_mjd0 = Time('1949-12-31 00:00:00', format='iso', scale='ut1').mjd self.rho0 = 2.461e-8 self.grav_ind = getattr(sgp4.api, self.settings['gravity_model'].upper()) self.grav_model = getattr(sgp4.earth_gravity, self.settings['gravity_model'].lower())
[docs] @staticmethod def get_TLE_parameters(line1, line2, gravity_model = 'WGS84'): grav_ind = getattr(sgp4.api, gravity_model.upper()) satellite = Satrec.twoline2rv(line1, line2, grav_ind) ret = {} for key in ['bstar', 'satnum', 'jdsatepochF', 'jdsatepoch']: ret[key] = getattr(satellite, key) return ret
[docs] def propagate_tle(self, t, line1, line2, **kwargs): '''Propagate a TLE pair ''' satellite = Satrec.twoline2rv(line1, line2, self.grav_ind) epoch = Time(satellite.jdsatepoch + satellite.jdsatepochF, format='jd', scale='utc') if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug(f'SGP4:propagate_tle:epoch={epoch}') t, epoch = self.convert_time(t, epoch) times = epoch + t jd_f = times.jd2 jd0 = times.jd1 logger_profiler_on = kwargs.get('logger_profiler_on', True) if self.profiler is not None: self.profiler.start('SGP4:propagate_tle:steps') if isinstance(jd_f, float) or isinstance(jd_f, int): states = np.empty((6,), dtype=np.float64) error, r, v = satellite.sgp4(jd0, jd_f) if logger_profiler_on: if error != 0 and self.logger is not None: self.logger.error(f'SGP4:propagate:step-{ind}:{SGP4_ERRORS[error]}') states[:3] = r states[3:] = v errors = [error] else: states = np.empty((6,jd_f.size), dtype=np.float64) if self.settings['heartbeat']: errors = [] for tind in range(jd_f.size): error, r, v = satellite.sgp4(jd0[tind], jd_f[tind]) errors.append(error) states[:3,tind] = r states[3:,tind] = v self.heartbeat(jd0[tind] + jd_f[tind], states[:,tind], satellite=satellite) else: errors, r, v = satellite.sgp4_array(jd0, jd_f) states[:3,...] = r.T states[3:,...] = v.T for ind, err in enumerate(errors): if err != 0 and self.logger is not None: self.logger.error(f'SGP4:propagate_tle:step-{ind}:{SGP4_ERRORS[err]}') states *= 1e3 #km to m, km/s to m/s states = frames.convert( times, states, in_frame='TEME', out_frame=self.settings['out_frame'], profiler = self.profiler, logger = self.logger, ) if self.profiler is not None: self.profiler.stop('SGP4:propagate_tle:steps') return states
[docs] def propagate(self, t, state0, epoch=None, **kwargs): '''Propagate a state #TODO: UPDATE THIS DOCSTRING All state-vector are given in SI units. Keyword arguments contain only information needed for ballistic coefficient :code:`B` used by SGP4. Either :code:`B` or :code:`C_D`, :code:`A` and :code:`m` must be supplied. They also contain a option to give angles in radians or degrees. By default input is assumed to be degrees. **Frame:** The input frame is ECI (TEME) for orbital elements and Cartesian. The output frame is as standard ECEF (ITRF). But can be set to TEME. :param float/list/numpy.ndarray/astropy.time.TimeDelta t: Time to propagate relative the initial state epoch. :param float/astropy.time.Time epoch: The epoch of the initial state. :param numpy.ndarray state0: 6-D Cartesian state vector in SI-units. :param float B: Ballistic coefficient :param float C_D: Drag coefficient :param float A: Cross-sectional Area :param float m: Mass :param bool radians: If true, all angles are assumed to be in radians. :param bool SGP4_mean_elements: If True, the input is not cartesian state but SGP4 mean elements. :return: 6-D Cartesian state vectors in SI-units. ''' if self.profiler is not None: self.profiler.start('SGP4:propagate') if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug(f'SGP4:propagate:len(t) = {len(t)}') if self.settings['tle_input']: if isinstance(state0, np.ndarray): if state0.size == 1: state0 = state0[0] line1, line2 = state0 states = self.propagate_tle(t, line1, line2, **kwargs) else: if epoch is None: raise ValueError('Need epoch when propagating state and not TLE') t, epoch = self.convert_time(t, epoch) epoch0 = epoch.mjd - self.sgp4_mjd0 times = epoch + t if 'B' in kwargs: B = kwargs.pop('B') else: B = 0.5*kwargs.pop('C_D',2.3)*kwargs.pop('A',1.0)/kwargs.pop('m',1.0) if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug(f'SGP4:propagate:B = {B}') input_mean = kwargs.get('SGP4_mean_elements', False) if input_mean: if self.settings['in_frame'] != 'TEME': raise Exception(f'Cannot input mean elements in other frame than TEME (currently set to "{self.settings["in_frame"]}")') mean_elements = state0.copy() if not kwargs.get('radians', False): mean_elements[2:,...] = np.radians(mean_elements[2:,...]) mean_elements[0,...] *= 1e-3 #m to km else: if isinstance(state0, pyorb.Orbit): state0_cart = np.squeeze(state0.cartesian) else: state0_cart = state0 state0_cart = frames.convert( epoch, state0_cart, in_frame=self.settings['in_frame'], out_frame='TEME', profiler = self.profiler, logger = self.logger, ) mean_elements = self.TEME_to_TLE(state0_cart, epoch=epoch, B=B, kepler=False) if np.any(np.isnan(mean_elements)): raise Exception('Could not compute SGP4 initial state: {}'.format(mean_elements)) states = self.propagate_mean_elements(times.jd1, times.jd2, mean_elements, epoch0, B, **kwargs) states = frames.convert( times, states, in_frame='TEME', out_frame=self.settings['out_frame'], profiler = self.profiler, logger = self.logger, ) if self.profiler is not None: self.profiler.stop('SGP4:propagate') if self.logger is not None: self.logger.debug(f'SGP4:propagate:completed') return states
[docs] def get_mean_elements(self, line1, line2, radians=False): '''Extract the mean elements in SI units (a [m], e [1], inc [deg], raan [deg], aop [deg], mu [deg]), B-parameter (not bstar) and epoch from a two line element pair. ''' xpdotp = 1440.0/(2.0*np.pi) # 229.1831180523293 satrec = Satrec.twoline2rv(line1, line2, self.grav_ind) B = satrec.bstar/(self.grav_model.radiusearthkm*1e3)*2/self.rho0 epoch = Time(satrec.jdsatepoch + satrec.jdsatepochF, format='jd', scale='utc') mean_elements = np.zeros((6,), dtype=np.float64) n0 = satrec.no_kozai*xpdotp/(86400.0/(2*np.pi)) mean_elements[0] = (np.sqrt(**(2.0/3.0)*1e3 mean_elements[1] = satrec.ecco mean_elements[2] = satrec.inclo mean_elements[3] = satrec.nodeo mean_elements[4] = satrec.argpo mean_elements[5] = if not radians: mean_elements[2:] = np.degrees(mean_elements[2:]) return mean_elements, B, epoch
[docs] def propagate_mean_elements(self, jd0, jd_f, mean_elements, epoch0, B, **kwargs): '''Propagate sgp4 mean elements. ''' # Compute ballistic coefficient bstar = 0.5*B*self.rho0 # B* in [1/m] using Density at q0[kg/m^3] n0 = np.sqrt( / ((mean_elements[0])**1.5) # Scaling n0 = n0*(86400.0/(2*np.pi)) # Convert to [rev/d] bstar = bstar*(self.grav_model.radiusearthkm*1e3) # Convert from [1/m] to [1/R_EARTH] satellite = Satrec() satellite.sgp4init( self.grav_ind, # gravity model 'i', # 'a' = old AFSPC mode, 'i' = improved mode int(kwargs.get('oid',42)), # satnum: Satellite number epoch0, # epoch: days since 1949 December 31 00:00 UT bstar, # bstar: drag coefficient (/earth radii) 0.0, #[IGNORED BY SGP4] ndot: ballistic coefficient (revs/day) 0.0, #[IGNORED BY SGP4] nddot: second derivative of mean motion (revs/day^3) mean_elements[1], # ecco: eccentricity mean_elements[4], # argpo: argument of perigee (radians) mean_elements[2], # inclo: inclination (radians) mean_elements[5], # mo: mean anomaly (radians) n0/(1440.0/(2.0*np.pi)), # no_kozai: mean motion (radians/minute) mean_elements[3], # nodeo: right ascension of ascending node (radians) ) logger_profiler_on = kwargs.get('logger_profiler_on', True) if self.profiler is not None and logger_profiler_on: self.profiler.start('SGP4:propagate:steps') if isinstance(jd_f, float) or isinstance(jd_f, int): states = np.empty((6,), dtype=np.float64) error, r, v = satellite.sgp4(jd0, jd_f) if logger_profiler_on: if error != 0 and self.logger is not None: self.logger.error(f'SGP4:propagate:step-{ind}:{SGP4_ERRORS[error]}') states[:3] = r states[3:] = v else: states = np.empty((6,jd_f.size), dtype=np.float64) if self.settings['heartbeat']: errors = [] for tind in range(jd_f.size): error, r, v = satellite.sgp4(jd0[tind], jd_f[tind]) errors.append(error) states[:3,tind] = r states[3:,tind] = v self.heartbeat(jd0[tind] + jd_f[tind], states[:,tind], satellite=satellite) else: errors, r, v = satellite.sgp4_array(jd0, jd_f) states[:3,...] = r.T states[3:,...] = v.T if logger_profiler_on: for ind, err in enumerate(errors): if err != 0 and self.logger is not None: self.logger.error(f'SGP4:propagate:step-{ind}:{SGP4_ERRORS[err]}') states *= 1e3 #km to m and km/s to m/s if self.profiler is not None and logger_profiler_on: self.profiler.stop('SGP4:propagate:steps') return states
[docs] def TEME_to_TLE_OPTIM(self, state, epoch, B=0.0, kepler=False, tol=1e-8, tol_v=1e-9): '''Convert osculating orbital elements in TEME to mean elements used in two line element sets (TLE's). :param numpy.ndarray kep: Osculating State (position and velocity) vector in m and m/s, TEME frame. If :code:`kepler = True` then state is osculating orbital elements, in m and radians. Orbital elements are semi major axis (m), orbital eccentricity, orbital inclination (radians), right ascension of ascending node (radians), argument of perigee (radians), mean anomaly (radians) :param bool kepler: Indicates if input state is kepler elements or cartesian. :param float epoch0: Epoch in days since 1949 December 31 00:00 UT :param float tol: Wanted precision in position of mean element conversion in m. :param float tol_v: Wanted precision in velocity mean element conversion in m/s. :return: mean elements of: semi major axis (km), orbital eccentricity, orbital inclination (radians), right ascension of ascending node (radians), argument of perigee (radians), mean anomaly (radians) :rtype: numpy.ndarray ''' if self.profiler is not None: self.profiler.start('SGP4:TEME_to_TLE_OPTIM') if self.logger is not None:'SGP4:TEME_to_TLE_OPTIM') if kepler: state_cart = self._sgp4_elems2cart(state) init_elements = state else: state_cart = state init_elements = self._cart2sgp4_elems(state_cart) def find_mean_elems(mean_elements): # Mean elements and osculating state state_osc = self.propagate_mean_elements(epoch.jd1, epoch.jd2, mean_elements, epoch.mjd - self.sgp4_mjd0, B=B, logger_profiler_on=False) # Correction of mean state vector d = state_cart - state_osc return np.linalg.norm(d) # bounds = [(None, None), (0.0, 0.999), (None, None)] + [(None, None)]*3 bounds = [(None, None), (0.0, 0.999), (0., np.pi)] + [(0., 2*np.pi)]*3 opt_res = scipy.optimize.minimize(find_mean_elems, init_elements, #method='powell', method='Nelder-Mead', # method='L-BFGS-B', # bounds=bounds, options={'ftol': np.sqrt(tol**2 + tol_v**2)} ) mean_elements = opt_res.x if self.profiler is not None: self.profiler.stop('SGP4:TEME_to_TLE_OPTIM') if self.logger is not None:'SGP4:TEME_to_TLE_OPTIM:completed') return mean_elements
[docs] def TEME_to_TLE(self, state, epoch, B=0.0, kepler=False, tol=1e-5, tol_v=1e-7): '''Convert osculating orbital elements in TEME to mean elements used in two line element sets (TLE's). :param numpy.ndarray kep: Osculating State (position and velocity) vector in m and m/s, TEME frame. If :code:`kepler = True` then state is osculating orbital elements, in m and radians. Orbital elements are semi major axis (m), orbital eccentricity, orbital inclination (radians), right ascension of ascending node (radians), argument of perigee (radians), mean anomaly (radians) :param bool kepler: Indicates if input state is kepler elements or cartesian. :param astropy.time.Time epoch: Epoch of the orbit :param float tol: Wanted precision in position of mean element conversion in m. :param float tol_v: Wanted precision in velocity mean element conversion in m/s. :return: mean elements of: semi major axis (km), orbital eccentricity, orbital inclination (radians), right ascension of ascending node (radians), argument of perigee (radians), mean anomaly (radians) :rtype: numpy.ndarray ''' if self.profiler is not None: self.profiler.start('SGP4:TEME_to_TLE') if self.logger is not None:'SGP4:TEME_to_TLE') if kepler: state_mean = self._sgp4_elems2cart(state) state_kep = state state_cart = state_mean.copy() else: state_mean = state.copy() state_cart = state state_kep = self._cart2sgp4_elems(state) iter_max = self.settings['TEME_to_TLE_max_iter'] # Maximum number of iterations # Iterative determination of mean elements for it in range(iter_max): # Mean elements and osculating state mean_elements = self._cart2sgp4_elems(state_mean) if it > 0 and mean_elements[1] > 1: #Assumptions of osculation within slope not working, go to general minimization algorithms mean_elements = self.TEME_to_TLE_OPTIM(state_cart, epoch=epoch, B=B, kepler=False, tol=tol, tol_v=tol_v) break state_osc = self.propagate_mean_elements(epoch.jd1, epoch.jd2, mean_elements, epoch.mjd - self.sgp4_mjd0, B=B, logger_profiler_on=False) # Correction of mean state vector d = state_cart - state_osc state_mean += d if it > 0: dr_old = dr dv_old = dv dr = np.linalg.norm(d[:3]) # Position change dv = np.linalg.norm(d[3:]) # Velocity change if it > 0: if dr_old < dr or dv_old < dv: #Assumptions of osculation within slope not working, go to general minimization algorithms mean_elements = self.TEME_to_TLE_OPTIM(state_cart, epoch=epoch, B=B, kepler=False, tol=tol, tol_v=tol_v) break if dr < tol and dv < tol_v: # Iterate until position changes by less than eps break if it == iter_max - 1: #Iterative method not working, go to general minimization algorithms mean_elements = self.TEME_to_TLE_OPTIM(state_cart, epoch=epoch, B=B, kepler=False, tol=tol, tol_v=tol_v) if self.profiler is not None: self.profiler.stop('SGP4:TEME_to_TLE') if self.logger is not None:'SGP4:TEME_to_TLE:completed') return mean_elements
def _sgp4_elems2cart(self, kep): '''Orbital elements to cartesian coordinates. Wrap pyorb-function to use mean anomaly, km and reversed order on aoe and raan. Output in SI. Neglecting mass is sufficient for this calculation (the standard gravitational parameter is 24 orders larger then the change). ''' _kep = kep.copy() _kep[0] *= 1e3 tmp = _kep[4] _kep[4] = _kep[3] _kep[3] = tmp _kep[5] = pyorb.mean_to_true(_kep[5], _kep[1], degrees=False) cart = pyorb.kep_to_cart(kep,*1e9, degrees=False) return cart def _cart2sgp4_elems(self, cart, degrees=False): '''Cartesian coordinates to orbital elements. Wrap pyorb-function to use mean anomaly, km and reversed order on aoe and raan. Neglecting mass is sufficient for this calculation (the standard gravitational parameter is 24 orders larger then the change). ''' kep = pyorb.cart_to_kep(cart,*1e9, degrees=False) kep[0] *= 1e-3 tmp = kep[4] kep[4] = kep[3] kep[3] = tmp kep[5] = pyorb.true_to_mean(kep[5], kep[1], degrees=False) return kep