Using the heartbeat if implementedΒΆ


a    : 7.0000e+06   x : 7.0000e+06
e    : 0.0000e+00   y : 0.0000e+00
i    : 6.9000e+01   z : 0.0000e+00
omega: 0.0000e+00   vx: -0.0000e+00
Omega: 0.0000e+00   vy: 2.7043e+03
anom : 0.0000e+00   vz: 7.0448e+03
We are now looking at a satellite 42 at 2453005.5
We are now looking at a satellite 42 at 2453005.611111111
We are now looking at a satellite 42 at 2453005.722222222
We are now looking at a satellite 42 at 2453005.8333333335
We are now looking at a satellite 42 at 2453005.9444444445
We are now looking at a satellite 42 at 2453006.0555555555
We are now looking at a satellite 42 at 2453006.1666666665
We are now looking at a satellite 42 at 2453006.277777778
We are now looking at a satellite 42 at 2453006.388888889
We are now looking at a satellite 42 at 2453006.5

import numpy as np
import pyorb
from astropy.time import Time

from sorts.propagator import SGP4

#it will run a bit slower since it cant use the "array" optimization of SGP4

class MySGP4(SGP4):
    def heartbeat(self, t, state, satellite):
        print(f'We are now looking at a satellite {satellite.satnum} at {t}')

prop = MySGP4(
    settings = dict(
orb = pyorb.Orbit(M0 = pyorb.M_earth, direct_update=True, auto_update=True, degrees = True, a=7000e3, e=0, i=69, omega=0, Omega=0, anom=0)

t = np.linspace(0,3600*24.0,num=10)

x = prop.propagate(
    epoch=Time(53005, format='mjd', scale='utc'),
    A_std = 0.1,
    relative_variation = True,
    C_R = 1.0,
    C_D = 1.0,

#stop the heartbeat
x = prop.propagate(
    epoch=Time(53005, format='mjd', scale='utc'),
    A_std = 0.1,
    relative_variation = True,
    C_R = 1.0,
    C_D = 1.0,

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.009 seconds)

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