Radar controller returning referenceΒΆ


Passing a reference to "Tracker" ensures the tracker does not have its own copy of the radar
eiscat3d.tx.pointing         : [2.24951054e-01 1.37742794e-17 9.74370065e-01]
tcontroller.radar.tx.pointing: [2.24951054e-01 1.37742794e-17 9.74370065e-01]

setting "return_copy" to false makes the returned radar from the controller as just a reference
tcontroller.radar.tx.pointing: [ 0.3280197  -0.17268885  0.92875273]
radar.tx.pointing            : [ 0.3280197  -0.17268885  0.92875273]

 edit tcontroller.radar

eiscat3d.tx.pointing         : [ 0.62296654 -0.3596699   0.69465837]
tcontroller.radar.tx.pointing: [ 0.62296654 -0.3596699   0.69465837]
radar.tx.pointing            : [ 0.62296654 -0.3596699   0.69465837]

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import pyorb

import sorts
eiscat3d = sorts.radars.eiscat3d
from sorts.controller import Tracker
from sorts.propagator import SGP4

prop = SGP4(
    settings = dict(

orb = pyorb.Orbit(M0 = pyorb.M_earth, direct_update=True, auto_update=True, degrees = True, a=6700e3, e=0, i=75, omega=0, Omega=80, anom=72)
t = np.linspace(0,120,num=10)
mjd0 = 53005

states = prop.propagate(t, orb.cartesian[:,0], mjd0, A=1.0, C_R = 1.0, C_D = 1.0)

tcontroller = Tracker(radar=eiscat3d, t=t, ecefs=states[:3,:], return_copy=False)

eiscat3d.tx[0].beam.sph_point(azimuth=90, elevation=77)

print('Passing a reference to "Tracker" ensures the tracker does not have its own copy of the radar')
print(f'eiscat3d.tx.pointing         : {eiscat3d.tx[0].beam.pointing}')
print(f'tcontroller.radar.tx.pointing: {tcontroller.radar.tx[0].beam.pointing} \n\n')

print('setting "return_copy" to false makes the returned radar from the controller as just a reference')
for radar, meta in tcontroller([t[3]]):

    print(f'tcontroller.radar.tx.pointing: {tcontroller.radar.tx[0].beam.pointing}')
    print(f'radar.tx.pointing            : {radar.tx[0].beam.pointing}')
    print('\n edit tcontroller.radar\n')

    tcontroller.radar.tx[0].beam.sph_point(azimuth=120, elevation=44)
    eiscat3d.tx[0].beam.sph_point(azimuth=120, elevation=44)

    print(f'eiscat3d.tx.pointing         : {eiscat3d.tx[0].beam.pointing}')
    print(f'tcontroller.radar.tx.pointing: {tcontroller.radar.tx[0].beam.pointing}')
    print(f'radar.tx.pointing            : {radar.tx[0].beam.pointing}')

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.066 seconds)

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