Custom ScansΒΆ

custom scans
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

import sorts

class NEFence(sorts.radar.Scan):
    def __init__(self, min_elevation=30.0, dwell=0.2, resolution=20):
        self._dwell = dwell
        self.resolution = resolution
        self.min_elevation = min_elevation

        self._az = np.empty((resolution,), dtype=np.float64)
        self._el = np.linspace(min_elevation, 180-min_elevation, num=resolution, dtype=np.float64)
        inds_ = self._el > 90.0
        self._az[inds_] = 180.0
        self._az[np.logical_not(inds_)] = 0.0

        self._el[inds_] = 180.0 - self._el[inds_]

    def dwell(self, t=None):
        return self._dwell

    def min_dwell(self):
        return self._dwell

    def cycle(self):
        return self.resolution*self._dwell

    def pointing(self, t):
        ind = (np.mod(t/self.cycle(), 1)*self.resolution).astype(
        if not isinstance(t, float):
            shape = (3, len(t))
            shape = (3, )

        azelr = np.empty(shape, dtype=np.float64)
        azelr[0,...] = self._az[ind]
        azelr[1,...] = self._el[ind]
        azelr[2,...] = 1.0
        return azelr

class RNG(sorts.radar.Scan):
    def __init__(self, dwell=0.2):
        self._dwell = dwell

    def dwell(self, t=None):
        '''The current dwell time of the scan in seconds.
        if t is None:
            return self._dwell
            return t*0 + self._dwell

    def cycle(self):
        return np.inf

    def pointing(self, t):
        if not isinstance(t, float):
            shape = (3, len(t))
            rng_shape = (2, len(t))
            shape = (3, )
            rng_shape = (2, )

        enu = np.empty(shape, dtype=np.float64)
        enu[:2,...] = (np.random.rand(*rng_shape)*2 - 1)/np.sqrt(2)
        enu[2,...] = np.sqrt(1 - np.linalg.norm(enu[:2,...], axis=0))

        return enu

scan = NEFence()

rng_scan = RNG()


fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,15))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

point = scan.enu_pointing(np.linspace(0,scan.cycle(),num=100))
rng_point = rng_scan.enu_pointing(np.linspace(0,scan.dwell()*20,num=20))

for i in range(point.shape[1]):
    ax.plot([0, point[0,i]], [0, point[1,i]], [0, point[2,i]], 'g-')

for i in range(rng_point.shape[1]):
    ax.plot([0, rng_point[0,i]], [0, rng_point[1,i]], [0, rng_point[2,i]], 'r-')

# sorts.plotting.grid_earth(ax)


Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.463 seconds)

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