Source code for sorts.radar.radar

#!/usr/bin/env python

'''This module is used to define the radar system

import copy
import numpy as np

from .. import passes

[docs]class Radar(object): '''A network of transmitting and receiving radar stations. :ivar list tx: List of transmitting sites, i.e. instances of :class:`sorts.radar.TX` :ivar list rx: List of receiving sites, i.e. instances of :class:`sorts.radar.RX` :ivar float max_off_axis: Maximum angle between pointing direction and a received signal. :ivar float min_SNRdb: Minimum SNR detectable by radar system in dB (after coherent integration). :param list tx: List of transmitting sites, i.e. instances of :class:`sorts.radar.TX` :param list rx: List of receiving sites, i.e. instances of :class:`sorts.radar.RX` :param float max_off_axis: Maximum angle between pointing direction and a received signal. :param float min_SNRdb: Minimum SNR detectable by radar system in dB (after coherent integration). '''
[docs] def __init__(self, tx, rx, max_off_axis=90.0, min_SNRdb=10.0): self.tx = tx self.rx = rx self.max_off_axis = max_off_axis self.min_SNRdb = min_SNRdb
[docs] def copy(self): '''Create a deep copy of the radar system. ''' ret = Radar( tx = [], rx = [], max_off_axis = copy.deepcopy(self.max_off_axis), min_SNRdb = copy.deepcopy(self.min_SNRdb), ) for tx in self.tx: ret.tx.append(tx.copy()) for rx in self.rx: ret.rx.append(rx.copy()) return ret
[docs] def set_beam(self, beam): '''Sets the radiation pattern for transmitters and receivers. :param pyant.Beam beam: The radiation pattern to set for radar system. ''' self.set_tx_beam(beam) self.set_rx_beam(beam)
[docs] def set_tx_beam(self, beam): '''Sets the radiation pattern for transmitters. :param pyant.Beam beam: The radiation pattern to set for radar system. ''' for tx in self.tx: tx.beam = beam.copy()
[docs] def set_rx_beam(self, beam): '''Sets the radiation pattern for receivers. :param pyant.Beam beam: The radiation pattern to set for radar system. ''' for rx in self.rx: rx.beam = beam.copy()
[docs] def find_passes(self, t, states, cache_data=True): '''Finds all passes that are simultaneously inside a transmitter station FOV and a receiver station FOV. :param numpy.ndarray t: Vector of times in seconds to use as a base to find passes. :param numpy.ndarray states: ECEF states of the object to find passes for. :return: list of passes indexed by first tx-station and then rx-station. :rtype: list of list of sorts.Pass ''' rd_ps = [] for txi,tx in enumerate(self.tx): rd_ps.append([]) for rxi,rx in enumerate(self.rx): txrx = passes.find_simultaneous_passes(t, states, [tx, rx], cache_data=cache_data) for ps in txrx: ps.station_id = [txi, rxi] rd_ps[-1].append(txrx) return rd_ps