Source code for sorts.plotting.general

#!/usr/bin/env python

'''General plotting functions


#Python standard import
from itertools import combinations

#Third party import
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import as cm
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

import pyorb

#Local import
from .. import constants

[docs]def grid_earth(ax, num_lat=25, num_lon=50, alpha=0.1, res = 100, color='black', hide_ax=True): '''Add a 3d spherical grid to the given axis that represent the Earth. ''' lons = np.linspace(-180, 180, num_lon+1) * np.pi/180 lons = lons[:-1] lats = np.linspace(-90, 90, num_lat) * np.pi/180 lonsl = np.linspace(-180, 180, res) * np.pi/180 latsl = np.linspace(-90, 90, res) * np.pi/180 r_e = constants.R_earth for lat in lats: x = r_e*np.cos(lonsl)*np.cos(lat) y = r_e*np.sin(lonsl)*np.cos(lat) z = r_e*np.ones(np.size(lonsl))*np.sin(lat) ax.plot(x,y,z,alpha=alpha,linestyle='-', marker='',color=color) for lon in lons: x = r_e*np.cos(lon)*np.cos(latsl) y = r_e*np.sin(lon)*np.cos(latsl) z = r_e*np.sin(latsl) ax.plot(x,y,z,alpha=alpha,color=color) if hide_ax: # Hide grid lines ax.grid(False) # Hide axes ticks ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_zticks([]) ax.set_axis_off() return ax
[docs]def orbits(o, **options): """This function creates several scatter plots of a set of orbital elements based on the different possible axis planar projections, calculates all possible permutations of plane intersections based on the number of columns :param numpy.ndarray o: Rows are distinct orbits and columns are orbital elements in the order a, e, i, omega, Omega :param options: dictionary containing all the optional settings #TODO: this needs updating Currently the options fields are: :marker [char]: the marker type :size [int]: the size of the marker :title [string]: the title of the plot :title_font_size [int]: the title font size :axis_labels [list of strings]: labels for each column :tick_font_size [int]: the axis tick font size :window [tuple/list]: the size of the plot window in pixels (assuming dpi = 80) :save [string]: will not display figure and will instead save it to this path :show [bool]: if False will do draw() instead of show() allowing script to continue :tight_rect [list of 4 floats]: configuration for the tight_layout function Example:: import dpt_tools as dpt import numpy as np np.random.seed(19680221) orbs = np.matrix([ 11 + 3 *np.random.randn(1000), 0.5 + 0.2*np.random.randn(1000), 60 + 10 *np.random.randn(1000), 120 + 5 *np.random.randn(1000), 33 + 2 *np.random.randn(1000), ]).T dpt.orbits(orbs, title = "My orbital element distribution", size = 10, ) """ if not isinstance(o, np.ndarray): o = np.array(o) data_axis = options.get('axis', 0) if data_axis == 1: dim_axis = 0 else: dim_axis = 1 scale = options.get('scale', np.ones((o.shape[dim_axis],), dtype=o.dtype)) #turn on TeX interperter plt.rc('text', usetex=True) lis = list(range(o.shape[dim_axis])) axis_plot = list(combinations(lis, 2)) axis_labels = options.setdefault('axis_labels', None) limits = options.get('limits', None) if isinstance(axis_labels, str): if axis_labels == 'earth-orbit': axis_labels = ["$a$ [$R_E$]","$e$ [1]","$i$ [deg]","$\omega$ [deg]","$\Omega$ [deg]","$M_0$ [deg]" ] scale = [1/constants.R_earth] + [1]*5 elif axis_labels == 'earth-state': axis_labels = ["$x$ [$R_E$]","$y$ [$R_E$]","$z$ [$R_E$]","$v_x$ [km/s]","$v_y$ [km/s]","$v_z$ [km/s]" ] scale = [1/constants.R_earth]*3 + [1e-3]*3 elif axis_labels == 'sol-orbit': axis_labels = ["$a$ [AU]","$e$ [1]","$i$ [deg]","$\omega$ [deg]","$\Omega$ [deg]","$M_0$ [deg]" ] scale = [1/pyorb.AU]*3 + [1e-3]*3 elif axis_labels == 'sol-state': axis_labels = ["$x$ [AU]","$y$ [AU]","$z$ [AU]","$v_x$ [km/s]","$v_y$ [km/s]","$v_z$ [km/s]" ] scale = [1/pyorb.AU]*3 + [1e-3]*3 else: axis_labels = ['']*6 elif axis_labels is None: axis_labels = ['']*6 if o.shape[dim_axis] == 2: subplot_cnt = (1,2) subplot_perms = 2 elif o.shape[dim_axis] == 3: subplot_cnt = (1,3) subplot_perms = 3 elif o.shape[dim_axis] == 4: subplot_cnt = (2,3) subplot_perms = 6 elif o.shape[dim_axis] == 5: subplot_cnt = (2,5) subplot_perms = 10 else: subplot_cnt = (3,5) subplot_perms = 15 subplot_cnt_ind = 1 if 'window' in options: size_in = options['window'] size_in = tuple(x/80.0 for x in size_in) else: size_in=(19, 10) fig = plt.figure(figsize=size_in,dpi=80) fig.suptitle( options.get('title','Orbital elements distribution'), fontsize=options.get('title_font_size',24), ) axes = [] for I in range( subplot_perms ): ax = fig.add_subplot(subplot_cnt[0],subplot_cnt[1],subplot_cnt_ind) axes.append(ax) if dim_axis == 1: x = o[:,axis_plot[I][0]]*scale[axis_plot[I][0]] y = o[:,axis_plot[I][1]]*scale[axis_plot[I][1]] else: x = o[axis_plot[I][0],:]*scale[axis_plot[I][0]] y = o[axis_plot[I][1],:]*scale[axis_plot[I][1]] sc = ax.scatter( x.flatten(), y.flatten(), marker=options.get('marker','.'), c=options.setdefault('color','b'), s=options.get('size',2), ) if isinstance(options['color'],np.ndarray): plt.colorbar(sc) # x_ticks = np.linspace(np.min(o[:,axis_plot[I][0]]),np.max(o[:,axis_plot[I][0]]), num=4) # plt.xticks( [round(x,1) for x in x_ticks] ) ax.set_xlabel( axis_labels[axis_plot[I][0]], fontsize=options.setdefault('ax_font_size',22), ) ax.set_ylabel( axis_labels[axis_plot[I][1]], fontsize=options['ax_font_size'], ) plt.xticks(fontsize=options.setdefault('tick_font_size',17)) plt.yticks(fontsize=options['tick_font_size']) if limits is not None: if len(limits) > axis_plot[I][0]: ax.set_xlim(*limits[axis_plot[I][0]]) if len(limits) > axis_plot[I][1]: ax.set_ylim(*limits[axis_plot[I][1]]) subplot_cnt_ind += 1 plt.tight_layout(rect=options.setdefault('tight_rect',[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])) if 'save' in options: fig.savefig(options['save'],bbox_inches='tight') else: if options.setdefault('show', False): else: plt.draw() return fig, axes