Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

'''Simple CCSDS TDM/OEM file writer.
import pkg_resources
import pathlib
import time
import datetime

from lxml import etree
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as consts
from astropy.time import TimeISO, Time

from .. import dates
from ..version import __version__

def _get_tdm_schema():
    tdm_xsd = pkg_resources.resource_stream('', 'ndmxml-1.0-tdm-2.0.xsd')
    tdm_schema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.parse(tdm_xsd))
    return tdm_schema

def _get_oem_schema():
    oem_xsd = pkg_resources.resource_stream('', 'ndmxml-1.0-oem-2.0.xsd')
    oem_schema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.parse(oem_xsd))
    return oem_schema

[docs]class epochType(TimeISO): '''Convert astropy time to "yyyy-dddThh:mm:ss.d->dZ" CCSDS 2.0 epochType standard.''' name = 'CCSDS_epoch' # Unique format name subfmts = ( ( 'date_hms', '%Y-%jT%H:%M:%S', '{year:d}-{yday:03d}T{hour:02d}:{min:02d}:{sec:02d}', ), )
[docs]def xml_tdm_segmet(datas): segments = [] for data in datas: segment = etree.Element('segment', type='ndm:tdmSegment') seg_meta = etree.Element('metadata', type='ndm:tdmMetadata') seg_data = etree.Element('data', type='ndm:tdmData') segment.append(seg_meta) segment.append(seg_data) segments.append(segment)
[docs]def xml_tdm_tree(meta, segments): header = etree.Element('header', type='ndm:tdmHeader') if 'COMMENT' in meta: for line in meta['COMMENT']: cmt = etree.Element('COMMENT') cmt.text = line.strip() header.append(cmt) if 'CREATION_DATE' in meta: el = etree.Element('CREATION_DATE', type='ndm:epochType') el.text = meta['CREATION_DATE'].CCSDS_epoch else: el = etree.Element('CREATION_DATE', type='ndm:epochType') el.text = header.append(el) if 'ORIGINATOR' in meta: el = etree.Element('ORIGINATOR') el.text = meta['ORIGINATOR'] else: el = etree.Element('ORIGINATOR') el.text = f'SORTS {__version__}' header.append(el) if 'MESSAGE_ID' in meta: el = etree.Element('MESSAGE_ID') el.text = meta['MESSAGE_ID'] header.append(el) body = etree.Element('body', type='ndm:tdmBody') for segment in segments: body.append(segment) root = etree.Element('tdm', type='tdmType', id='CCSDS_TDM_VERS', version='2.0') root.append(header) root.append(body) return root
[docs]def write_oem(t, state, meta, fname=None, xml=True): '''Uses a series of astropy times and state vectors to create a CCSDS OEM file (plain-text of xml) or return a string. :param astropy.Time t: Vector of unix-times :param numpy.ndarray state: 6-D states given in SI units in the ITRF2000 frame. Rows correspond to different states and columns to dimensions. :param dict meta: Dict containing all the standard CCSDS 2.0 meta data. :param bool xml: If `False`, use the plain-text format :param str fname: Output file-path for OEM. ''' if xml: raise NotImplementedError('') fo.write("CCSDS_OEM_VERS = 2.0\n") fo.write("CREATION_DATE = %s\n"%(dates.unix_to_datestr(t.min()))) # 1996-11-04T17:22:31 fo.write("ORIGINATOR = SORTS\n") fo.write("META_START\n") fo.write("OBJECT_NAME = %s\n"%(oid)) fo.write("OBJECT_ID = %d\n"%(oid)) fo.write("CENTER_NAME = EARTH\n") fo.write("REF_FRAME = ITRF2000\n") fo.write("TIME_SYSTEM = UTC\n") fo.write("START_TIME = %s\n"%(dates.unix_to_datestrf(t.min()))) fo.write("USEABLE_START_TIME = %s\n"%(dates.unix_to_datestrf(t.min()))) fo.write("USEABLE_STOP_TIME = %s\n"%(dates.unix_to_datestrf(t.max()))) fo.write("STOP_TIME = %s\n"%(dates.unix_to_datestrf(t.max()))) fo.write("META_STOP\n") fo.write("COMMENT This file was produced by SORTS.\n") fo.write("COMMENT.\n") for ti in range(len(t)): #print(t[ti]) fo.write("%s %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f %1.3f\n"%(dates.unix_to_datestrf(t[ti]),state[ti,0],state[ti,1],state[ti,2],state[ti,3],state[ti,4],state[ti,5])) if fname is not None: fo=open(fname,"w") fo.close()
[docs]def read_oem(fname, xml=True): '''Todo: docstring ''' if xml: parser = etree.XMLParser(schema = _get_oem_schema()) tree = etree.parse(open(fname, 'r'), parser) return tree else: meta = {'COMMENT': ''} _dtype = [ ('date', 'datetime64[us]'), ('x', 'float64'), ('y', 'float64'), ('z', 'float64'), ('vx', 'float64'), ('vy', 'float64'), ('vz', 'float64'), ] raw_data = [] DATA_ON = False META_ON = False with open(fname, 'r') as f: for line in f: if META_ON: if line.strip() == 'META_STOP': META_ON = False DATA_ON = True continue _tmp = [x.strip() for x in line.split('=')] meta[_tmp[0]] = _tmp[1] elif DATA_ON: if line[:7] == 'COMMENT': meta['COMMENT'] += line[7:] else: raw_data.append(line.split(' ')) else: if line.strip() == 'META_START': META_ON = True continue _tmp = [x.strip() for x in line.split('=')] meta[_tmp[0]] = _tmp[1] data_len = len(raw_data) data = np.empty((data_len, ), dtype=_dtype) for ind, row in enumerate(raw_data): rown = 0 for col, dtype in _dtype: data[ind][col] = row[rown] rown += 1 return data, meta
[docs]def write_tdm( datas, meta, fname=None, ): ''' # TODO: Document function. # TODO: Update function to be more general # TODO: add arbitrary fields and meta data ''' segments = xml_tdm_segmet(datas) root = xml_tdm_tree(meta, segments) fo=open(fname,"w") fo.write("CCSDS_TDM_VERS = 1.0\n") fo.write(" COMMENT MASTER ID %s\n"%(oid)) fo.write(" COMMENT TX_ECEF (%1.12f,%1.12f,%1.12f)\n"%(tx_ecef[0],tx_ecef[1],tx_ecef[2])) fo.write(" COMMENT RX_ECEF (%1.12f,%1.12f,%1.12f)\n"%(rx_ecef[0],rx_ecef[1],rx_ecef[2])) fo.write(" COMMENT This is a simulated %s of MASTER ID %s with EISCAT 3D\n"%(tdm_type,oid)) fo.write(" COMMENT 233 MHz, time of flight, with ionospheric corrections\n") fo.write(" COMMENT EISCAT 3D coordinates: \n") fo.write(" COMMENT Author(s): SORTS.\n") fo.write(" CREATION_DATE = %s\n"%(dates.unix_to_datestr(time.time()))) fo.write("META_START\n") fo.write(" TIME_SYSTEM = UTC\n") fo.write(" START_TIME = %s\n"%(dates.unix_to_datestrf(t_pulse.min()))) fo.write(" STOP_TIME = %s\n"%(dates.unix_to_datestrf(t_pulse.max()))) fo.write(" PARTICIPANT_1 = %s\n"%(tx_name)) fo.write(" PARTICIPANT_2 = %s\n"%(oid)) fo.write(" PARTICIPANT_3 = %s\n"%(rx_name)) fo.write(" MODE = SEQUENTIAL\n") fo.write(" PATH = 1,2,3\n") fo.write(" TRANSMIT_BAND = %1.5f\n"%(freq)) fo.write(" RECEIVE_BAND = %1.5f\n"%(freq)) fo.write(" TIMETAG_REF = TRANSMIT\n") fo.write(" INTEGRATION_REF = START\n") fo.write(" RANGE_MODE = CONSTANT\n") fo.write(" RANGE_MODULUS = %1.2f\n"%(128.0*20e-3)) fo.write(" RANGE_UNITS = KM\n") fo.write(" DATA_QUALITY = VALIDATED\n") fo.write(" CORRECTION_RANGE = 0.0\n") fo.write(" NOISE_DATA = ON\n") fo.write(" CORRECTIONS_APPLIED = NO\n") fo.write("META_STOP\n") fo.write("DATA_START\n") for ri in range(len(t_pulse)): fo.write(" RANGE = %s %1.12f %1.12f\n"%(dates.unix_to_datestrf(t_pulse[ri]),m_range[ri], m_range_std[ri])) fo.write(" DOPPLER_INSTANTANEOUS = %s %1.12f %1.12f\n"%(dates.unix_to_datestrf(t_pulse[ri]),m_range_rate[ri], m_range_rate_std[ri])) fo.write("DATA_STOP\n") fo.close()
[docs]def read_tdm(fname, xml=True): '''Just get the range data # TODO: the rest # TODO: Document function. # TODO: Update plain text function to be more general and conform to CCSDS 2.0 ''' if xml: parser = etree.XMLParser(schema = _get_tdm_schema()) tree = etree.parse(open(fname, 'r'), parser) return tree else: meta = {'COMMENT': ''} RANGE_UNITS = 'km' with open(fname, 'r') as f: DATA_ON = False META_ON = False data_raw = {} for line in f: if line.strip() == 'DATA_STOP': break if META_ON: tmp_lin = line.split('=') if len(tmp_lin) > 1: meta[tmp_lin[0].strip()] = tmp_lin[1].strip() if tmp_lin[0].strip() == 'RANGE_UNITS': RANGE_UNITS = tmp_lin[1].strip().lower() elif DATA_ON: name, tmp_dat = line.split('=') name = name.strip().lower() tmp_dat = tmp_dat.strip().split(' ') if name in data_raw: data_raw[name].append(tmp_dat) else: data_raw[name] = [tmp_dat] else: if line.lstrip()[:7] == 'COMMENT': meta['COMMENT'] += line.lstrip()[7:] else: tmp_lin = line.split('=') if len(tmp_lin) > 1: meta[tmp_lin[0].strip()] = tmp_lin[1].strip() if line.strip() == 'META_START': META_ON = True if line.strip() == 'DATA_START': META_ON = False DATA_ON = True _dtype = [ ('date', 'datetime64[us]'), ] data_len = len(data_raw[data_raw.keys()[0]]) for name in data_raw: _dtype.append( (name, 'float64') ) _dtype.append( (name + '_err', 'float64') ) data = np.empty((data_len, ), dtype=_dtype) date_set = False for name, series in data_raw.items(): for ind, val in enumerate(series): if not date_set: data[ind]['date'] = np.datetime64(val[0],'us') data[ind][name] = np.float64(val[1]) if len(val) > 2: data[ind][name + '_err'] = np.float64(val[2]) else: data[ind][name + '_err'] = 0.0 if name == 'range': if RANGE_UNITS == 's': data[ind][name] *= consts.c*1e-3 date_set = True return data, meta