Source code for sorts.controller.radar_controller

#!/usr/bin/env python

'''This module is used to define the radar controller

#Python standard import
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import copy

#Third party import
import numpy as np

#Local import

[docs]class RadarController(ABC): '''A radar controller. ''' META_FIELDS = [ 'controller_type', ]
[docs] def __init__(self, radar, t=None, t0=0.0, profiler=None, logger=None, meta=None): self.radar = radar self.t = t self.t0 = t0 self.logger = logger self.profiler = profiler self.meta = dict() if meta is not None: self.meta.update(meta) for key in self.META_FIELDS: if key not in self.meta: self.meta[key] = None
[docs] def run(self): return self(self.t - self.t0)
[docs] def default_meta(self): '''This is used to generate meta data on the fly, rather then the static data that can be set in the `self.meta`. ''' meta = dict() meta.update(self.meta) meta['controller_type'] = self.__class__ return meta
[docs] @abstractmethod def generator(self, t, **kwargs): '''This will configure the radar system and return a pointer to the contained radar system instance with the correct configuration. It should always assume the input `t` is an iterable and use `yield` to return `radar, meta`. The `meta` variable should be a dict with the fields defined in `META_FIELDS` **NOTE:** This is NOT guaranteed to return a copy of the radar system, however, the subclass should implement this as a option. ''' pass
def __call__(self, t, **kwargs): if isinstance(t, float) or isinstance(t, int): ret = list(self.generator([t], **kwargs))[0] else: if len(t) > 0: ret = self.generator(t, **kwargs) else: ret = [] return ret @staticmethod def _point_station(station, ecef): if len(ecef.shape) > 1: k = station.point_ecef(ecef - station.ecef[:,None]) else: k = station.point_ecef(ecef - station.ecef) #pointing turns on station station.enabled = True #error check pointing keep = k[2,...] >= np.sin(np.radians(station.min_elevation)) if len(ecef.shape) > 1: if not np.any(keep): station.enabled = False else: new_k = k[:,keep] station.point(new_k) else: if not keep: station.enabled = False
[docs] @staticmethod def point_rx_ecef(radar, ecef): '''Point all rx sites into the direction of given ECEF coordinate, relative Earth Center. ''' for rx in radar.rx: RadarController._point_station(rx, ecef)
[docs] @staticmethod def point_tx_ecef(radar, ecef): '''Point all tx sites into the direction of given ECEF coordinate, relative Earth Center. ''' for tx in radar.tx: RadarController._point_station(tx, ecef)
[docs] @staticmethod def point_ecef(radar, ecef): '''Point all sites into the direction of given ECEF coordinate, relative Earth Center. ''' RadarController.point_tx_ecef(radar, ecef) RadarController.point_rx_ecef(radar, ecef)
[docs] @staticmethod def point(radar, enu): '''Point all sites into the direction of a given East, North, Up (ENU) local coordinate system. ''' for tx in radar.tx: tx.point(enu) for rx in radar.rx: rx.point(enu)
[docs] @staticmethod def turn_off(radar): for st in radar.tx + radar.rx: st.enabled = False
[docs] @staticmethod def turn_on(radar): for st in radar.tx + radar.rx: st.enabled = True