


If a pyorb.Orbit is present, updates the orbital elements and Cartesian state vector of the space object.

Can update any of the related state parameters, all others will automatically update.

Cannot update Keplerian and Cartesian elements simultaneously.

  • a (float) – Semi-major axis in km

  • e (float) – Eccentricity

  • i (float) – Inclination in degrees

  • aop/omega (float) – Argument of perigee in degrees

  • raan/Omega (float) – Right ascension of the ascending node in degrees

  • mu0/anom (float) – Mean anomaly in degrees

  • x (float) – X position in km

  • y (float) – Y position in km

  • z (float) – Z position in km

  • vx (float) – X-direction velocity in km/s

  • vy (float) – Y-direction velocity in km/s

  • vz (float) – Z-direction velocity in km/s