
Scheduler base class.

Module summary


Scheduler(radar[, profiler, logger])

A Scheduler for executing time-slices of different radar controllers.



class sorts.scheduler.scheduler.Scheduler(radar, profiler=None, logger=None)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

A Scheduler for executing time-slices of different radar controllers.

#TODO: Docstring

calculate_observation(txrx_pass, t, generator, **kwargs)[source]

Takes a pass over a tx-rx pair and the corresponding evaluated times and generator that returns radar instances to generate a set of observed data.

generate_schedule(t, generator)[source]

Takes times and a corresponding generator that returns radar instances to generate a radar schedule.

abstract get_controllers()[source]

This should init a list of controllers and set the t (global time) and t0 (global time reference for controller) variables on them for their individual time samplings.

observe_passes(passes, **kwargs)[source]

#TODO: Docstring


#TODO: Docstring

abstract update(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Update the scheduler information.