
Defines function for reading the MASTER catalog files.

Module summary


master_catalog(input_file[, mjd0, sort, …])

Return the master catalog specified in the input file as a population instance.

master_catalog_factor(master_base[, copy, …])

Returns a random realization of the master population specified by the input file/population.



sorts.population.master.master_catalog(input_file, mjd0=54952.0, sort=True, propagator=None, propagator_options={}, propagator_args={})[source]

Return the master catalog specified in the input file as a population instance. The catalog only contains the master sampling objects and not an actual realization of the population using the factor.

The format of the input master files is:

  1. ID

  2. Factor

  3. Mass [kg]

  4. Diameter [m]

  5. m/A [kg/m2]

  6. a [km]

  7. e

  8. i [deg]

  9. RAAN [deg]

  10. AoP [deg]

  11. M [deg]

  • input_file (str) – Path to the input MASTER file.

  • sort (bool) – If True sort according to diameters in descending order.

  • mjd0 (float) – The epoch of the catalog file in Modified Julian Days.

  • propagator (PropagatorBase) – Propagator class pointer used for space_object.SpaceObject.

  • propagator_options (dict) – Propagator initialization keyword arguments.


Master catalog

Return type


sorts.population.master.master_catalog_factor(master_base, copy=True, treshhold=0.01, seed=None)[source]

Returns a random realization of the master population specified by the input file/population. In other words, each sampling object in the catalog is sampled a “factor” number of times with random mean anomalies to create the population.

  • input_file (str) – Path to the input MASTER file. Is not used if master_base is given.

  • mjd0 (float) – The epoch of the catalog file in Modified Julian Days. Is not used if master_base is given.

  • master_base (population.Population) – A master catalog consisting only of sampling objects. This catalog will be modified and the pointer to it returned.

  • sort (bool) – If True sort according to diameters in ascending order.

  • treshhold (float) – Diameter limit in meters below witch sampling objects are not included. Can be None to skip filtering.

  • seed (int) – Random number generator seed given to numpy.random.seed to allow for consisted generation of a random realization of the population. If seed is None a random seed from high-entropy data is used.

  • propagator (PropagatorBase) – Propagator class pointer used for space_object.SpaceObject. Is not used if master_base is given.

  • propagator_options (dict) – Propagator initialization keyword arguments. Is not used if master_base is given.


Master population

Return type
