

Module summary


LinearizedCoded(tx[, seed, cache_folder, …])

Determine linearized errors for range and range-rate error

LinearizedCodedIonospheric(*args, **kwargs)

233e6 Hz worst case scenario at zenith only!


lin_error([enr, txlen, n_ipp, ipp, bw, dr, …])

Determine linearized errors for range and range-rate error

precalculate_dr(txlen, bw[, ipp, n_ipp, …])

simulate_echo(codes, t_vecs[, bw, dop_Hz, …])

Simulate a radar echo with range and Doppler.



class sorts.errors.linearized_coded.LinearizedCoded(tx, seed=None, cache_folder=None, min_range_rate_std=0.1, min_range_std=0.1)[source]

Bases: sorts.errors.errors.Errors

Determine linearized errors for range and range-rate error for a psuedorandom binary phase coded radar transmit pulse with a certain transmit bandwidth (inverse of bit length)

calculate line of sight range and range-rate error, given ENR after coherent integration (pulse compression) txlen in microseconds.

Simulate a measurement and do a linearized error estimate.

Unknown Doppler shift due to ionosphere can be up to 0.1 Hz, estimate based on typical GNU Ionospheric tomography receiver phase curves.

doppler(data, snr)[source]

Doppler shift in Hz


The expected standard error of a Doppler measurement in Hz.

range(data, snr)[source]

Range in m

range_rate(data, snr)[source]

Range rate in m/s


The expected standard error of a range rate measurement in m/s.


The expected standard error of a range measurement in m.


This should be called before any error generating methods if reproduction of results needs to be ensured.


class sorts.errors.linearized_coded.LinearizedCodedIonospheric(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: sorts.errors.linearized_coded.LinearizedCoded

233e6 Hz worst case scenario at zenith only!

doppler(data, snr)

Doppler shift in Hz


The expected standard error of a Doppler measurement in Hz.

range(data, snr)[source]

Range in m

range_rate(data, snr)

Range rate in m/s


The expected standard error of a range rate measurement in m/s.

range_std(path_range, snr)[source]

The expected standard error of a range measurement in m.


This should be called before any error generating methods if reproduction of results needs to be ensured.


sorts.errors.linearized_coded.lin_error(enr=10.0, txlen=1000.0, n_ipp=10, ipp=0.02, bw=1000000.0, dr=10.0, ddop=1.0, sr=100000000.0)[source]

Determine linearized errors for range and range-rate error for a psuedorandom binary phase coded radar transmit pulse with a certain transmit bandwidth (inverse of bit length)

calculate line of sight range and range-rate error, given ENR after coherent integration (pulse compression) txlen in microseconds.

Simulate a measurement and do a linearized error estimate.

sorts.errors.linearized_coded.precalculate_dr(txlen, bw, ipp=0.02, n_ipp=20, n_interp=20)[source]
sorts.errors.linearized_coded.simulate_echo(codes, t_vecs, bw=1000000.0, dop_Hz=0.0, range_m=1000.0, sr=5000000.0)[source]

Simulate a radar echo with range and Doppler. Use windowing to simulate a continuous finite bandwidth signal. This is used for linearized error estimates of range and range-rate errors.