

Module summary


Scanner(radar, scan[, r, profiler, logger, …])

Takes in a scan and create a scanning radar controller.



class sorts.controller.scanner.Scanner(radar, scan, r=array([300000.0, 377777.77777778, 455555.55555556, 533333.33333333, 611111.11111111, 688888.88888889, 766666.66666667, 844444.44444444, 922222.22222222, 1000000.0]), profiler=None, logger=None, return_copy=False, meta=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: sorts.controller.radar_controller.RadarController

Takes in a scan and create a scanning radar controller.


This is used to generate meta data on the fly, rather then the static data that can be set in the self.meta.


This will configure the radar system and return a pointer to the contained radar system instance with the correct configuration. It should always assume the input t is an iterable and use yield to return radar, meta. The meta variable should be a dict with the fields defined in META_FIELDS

NOTE: This is NOT guaranteed to return a copy of the radar system, however, the subclass should implement this as a option.

static point(radar, enu)

Point all sites into the direction of a given East, North, Up (ENU) local coordinate system.

static point_ecef(radar, ecef)

Point all sites into the direction of given ECEF coordinate, relative Earth Center.


Assumes t is not array

static point_rx_ecef(radar, ecef)

Point all rx sites into the direction of given ECEF coordinate, relative Earth Center.

static point_tx_ecef(radar, ecef)

Point all tx sites into the direction of given ECEF coordinate, relative Earth Center.